Complete List of PFD Case Writing Rules
_____ Resolution is clearly stated
_____ Your position on the case is clearly stated
_____ Definitions of key terms are stated in the beginning of the case
_____ A framework and/or burden is established
_____ There are three contentions present
_____ Contentions are clearly indicated with a number and a tag
_____ Sub-points are clearly labeled with letters
____ Definitions are from legitimate, reputable sources
____ Each contention has a minimum of two sub-points
____ Sub-point contains at least one quote/statistic/historical example
____ A variety of evidence types is used in each contention (quotes from experts, statistics, historical examples)
____ All sources are cited
____ All people referenced are given proper titles (ie professor, doctor, reporter, senator)
____ Each piece of evidence has a 1-2 sentence introduction
____ Each piece of evidence has a 1-2 sentence analysis
____ Case ends with “Judge, we urge a strong Pro/Con ballot.”
Grammar & Writing Style
____ Any contractions are eliminated
____ Any “I” statements are eliminated
____ If you need to refer to yourself, either “my partner and I” or “we” is used
____ Formal, academic language is used (no texting or casual language)
____ Language is specific (the words things, stuff, everyone, everything, people, good, bad are not used)
____ The same words are not repeated over and over again in the same space
____ Writing is as concise as possible (is trying -> tries; has forced -> forces; would help -> helps)
____ Weak constructions are eliminated (got, get, basically)
____ Quote introduction and citation is varied (according to Professor Blah; in consonance with Professor Blah, as stated by Professor Blah)
____ Speech is between 3 minutes and 50 seconds and 4 minutes