Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Public Forum Constructive Speech

Constructive Speech Template (PRO)

Are my judge, opponents and partner ready?

My partner and I fully support the resolution ___________________________________.

[Definitions:] To debate this resolution, my partner and I would like to define the following key terms:

[Framework:] The framework of today’s debate will be_______________.


[Sub-argument 1:] Contention One:

[Evidence A:] Sub-Point A:

[Evidence B:] Sub-Point B:

[Sub-argument 2:] Contention Two:

[Evidence A:] Sub-Point A:

[Evidence B:] Sub-Point B:

[Sub-argument 3:] Contention Three:

[Evidence A:] Sub-Point A:

[Evidence B:] Sub-Point B:


[Closing Statement:] Thank you, Judge. We urge a strong PRO ballot.

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